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Yesterday I took delivery of a rather special parcel. In it was a note from Victoria Richards, she who designs Jon Snow’s ties, which read:

Dear Paul,
Please find enclosed 3x silk ties for you to look at. If you are happy with them, please choose your favourite and return the rest with [quite a sum of money]! Enjoy your big day.
Best wishes, Victoria

And sure enough, alongside the note there were indeed three fabulous silk ties.

The ‘If’ in her message was hardly worth bothering with – the ties are great. The blue is a perfect match for Edith’s dress, the purple looks like it will go well with my suit, whenever that finally materialises (no pun intended), the silver is, well, silver, and the yellow is bold, striking and – being yellow – gloriously attractive. I win.

I know one or two people commented about buying these ties before, so if anyone is actually interested in getting one of these ties, Victoria Richards’ web site is at the logical address of, so you can have a browse there (or if you’re after a unique slice of zoolyweds memorabilia, just contact her and ask for a Paul Speller zoolyweds special ;)).

Anyone wearing a zoolyweds tie to the wedding in an attempt to upstage the groom will be fed to the bears outside the ceremony venue, though.

Meanwhile, the number of available coach seats has entered single figures (nine, to be precise), so we’re on course for a fun journey. And London’s got the Olympics against all the odds! Life – as electronics company Lucky-Goldstar insist on pretending their initials stand for – ’s good.